

Beyond ESG with Global Water Scarcity: Are You Pricing Water Risk?

On-Demand | 1 Hour

Climate change, population growth and economic development are contributing to water stress across the globe. With increasing water scarcity, comes intensifying financial risk. The cost of addressing harmful water impacts could top nearly $1.8 billion annually for some large publicly traded packaged meat and apparel companies and could lead to a change in company valuation of up to -47%, according to research published by Ceres, with S&P Global Trucost data.

Join S&P Global Sustainable1 for the next episode in our Beyond ESG webinar series as we convene market specialists to examine the financial implications of water scarcity across the global value chain, including:

  • Understanding financial materiality of addressing water scarcity
  • Approaches to assessing water-related portfolio risks
  • Putting a price on water risk

S&P Global Sustainable1's 'Beyond ESG' webinar series focuses on providing corporate and investors with the tools and insights they need when building and refining their ESG playbooks. Featuring interviews and discussions with experts, decision-makers, and visionaries in the ESG community, these webinars will go beyond ratings and scores to help see the possibilities in building a sustainable future while meeting the expectations of an evolving market.

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Meet the thought leaders you'll hear from.

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Steven Bullock (Moderator)

Managing Director, Global Head of ESG Innovation and Solutions

S&P Global Sustainable1

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Virginie Galas

Head of Research Equities / CROCI

DWS International GmbH

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Kirsten James

Senior Program Director, Water


Id Lacinia Elit Amet Fnibus Bibendum Risus

Phasellus viverra quam quis ullamcorper venenatis orci nulla gravida risus.

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Emilio Tenuta

Senior Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer


Aenean facilisis lectus in magna lacinia, in tempus tortor tincidunt. Nulla ultrices ante in tincidunt sollicitudin. Nulla eget nulla sed nibh dapibus varius. Donec vel nisl ultricies, volutpat velit vel, feugiat eros. Aenean vehicula orci magna, sit amet congue lacus aliquet vel. Donec finibus dapibus volutpat. Cras dapibus enim at diam tempor, sit amet ultrices tellus ultrices.

Phasellus commodo malesuada turpis, non dapibus est interdum nec. Proin egestas dolor molestie scelerisque mattis. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla congue, lacus a elementum convallis, sapien libero tempor dui, eu placerat mi ligula et dolor. Maecenas id lacinia elit, sit amet finibus dui. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sollicitudin lorem vel magna tincidunt, ut vulputate magna viverra.

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