

Beyond ESG with Female Executive Leadership: Gender Equality in the Workplace

Tuesday, March 8, 2022 | 10am EST | 3pm GMT

With growing evidence on the link between gender equality in the workplace and better corporate performance, comes a growing appetite by investors to integrate gender diversity indicators into their investment decision-making criteria.

Join S&P Global Sustainable1 for a special episode in our Beyond ESG webinar series celebrating International Women’s Day. In this episode, Lauren Smart, Chief Commercial Officer, S&P Global Sustainable1 is joined by a panel of female CEOs to discuss the progress being made towards gender equality in the workplace, including:

  • How companies are approaching diversity, equity and inclusion commitments to reduce the workplace gender equality gap

  • The data behind implementing regulations and expectations surrounding workplace diversity
  • Their own career journeys and advice for women on the path to leadership

S&P Global Sustainable1's 'Beyond ESG' webinar series focuses on providing corporate and investors with the tools and insights they need when building and refining their ESG playbooks. Featuring interviews and discussions with experts, decision-makers, and visionaries in the ESG community, these webinars will go beyond ratings and scores to help see the possibilities in building a sustainable future while meeting the expectations of an evolving market.

Register today to join the discussion or receive the on-demand replay.

Registration Form


Meet the thought leaders you'll hear from.

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Margaret Franklin

President and CEO

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Lauren Smart

Chief Commercial Officer

S&P Global Sustainable1

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Julie Sweet

Chair and CEO


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