

Report with Confidence: Identifying the Nexus of Converging Sustainability Disclosure Standards

On-Demand | 1 Hour

Sustainability and climate reporting standards saw convergence during 2023, with the formal disbanding of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). This has marked a point of transition for climate reporting, with the TCFD recommendations being fully incorporated into the ISSB Standards.

As practitioners seek to adapt and implement the ISSB climate disclosure framework, in this webinar as part of our Report with Confidence series, we will explore:

  • The global reach of sustainability-related standards and their expansion
  • The disbanding of the TCFD, and the impact on the future of climate-related reporting
  • How companies and investors can prepare for ISSB

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Meet the thought leaders you'll hear from.

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Rocio Falcones
Regulatory & Reporting Product Lead
S&P Global Sustainable1
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Mitch Jones
Director, GTM Strategy
S&P Global Sustainable1
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Nicolaj Sebrell
Director Investor Relationship, EMEA
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David Pitt-Watson
Head of the Climate Accounting & Auditing Project
Fellow Cambridge University Judge School of Business
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Phasellus commodo malesuada turpis, non dapibus est interdum nec. Proin egestas dolor molestie scelerisque mattis. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla congue, lacus a elementum convallis, sapien libero tempor dui, eu placerat mi ligula et dolor. Maecenas id lacinia elit, sit amet finibus dui. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sollicitudin lorem vel magna tincidunt, ut vulputate magna viverra.

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