

Net Zero Commitments and Portfolio Decarbonisation for Financial Institutions

On-Demand | 1 Hour

While many Financial Institutions have committed to reducing their portfolios’ greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and achieving ‘net zero’, less than half (45%) of the leading listed companies in the U.S. have a net zero target, according to the S&P Global Sustainable1 Transition Tracker dataset. For those that have set commitments, not all are created equal.

The scope, ambition, and type of commitment can vary across sectors and individual companies. Understanding these differences and taking a holistic view will be important for financial institutions looking to set and meet their own targets.

Join S&P Global Sustainable1 and industry specialists for this upcoming webinar as we explore:

  • The current state of investee companies net zero commitments and interim GHG emissions reduction targets
  • How investors can incorporate insights on companies’ commitments in their own research and analysis
  • How financial institutions are approaching setting their own portfolio decarbonisation targets

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Meet the thought leaders you'll hear from.

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Budha Bhattacharya
Head of Systematic Research
Lombard Odier Asset Management
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Sagarika Chatterjee
Department Director, Climate Finance
Climate Champions
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Christopher Perceval
Senior Market Engagement Director
S&P Global Sustainable1
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Patrizio Trapletti
Senior Analyst, Financial Institutions Analytics, Research & Methodology
S&P Global Sustainable1
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