

Measuring and Managing Social and Equity Factors: A Market Perspective on Data Driven Approaches

Thursday, September 19, 2024 | 13:00 BST

The identification and measurement of “social” factors in investment management when addressing environmental, social, and governance or “ESG” efforts can be challenging. However, in Europe, and beyond, the expectation of investors to carry out this process is increasing, more so through an impact lens.

Furthermore, the growing emphasis on social issues also reflects the evolving landscape of European regulation, where there is a growing recognition that companies should better recognize social factors in their disclosures. Institutional investors will be required to conduct more thorough due diligence on the companies they invest in to ensure compliance with the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). This includes assessing not just environmental risks, but also social factor business risks and opportunities associated with human rights, labour practices, and community impact. 

Join our panel of sustainability specialists to explore:

  • What the “S” refers to in the context of ESG risk management and some key example metrics from the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment, from human capital management and labour practice indicators to community relations and how human rights exposures can be assessed within the value chain. 
  • How can S&P Global Sustainable1 and S&P Global Market Intelligence’s datasets and analytics help market participants understand how to better identify and manage social and equity factors in their portfolios? 
  • What social and equity factors do market participants consider relevant in their portfolio risk analyses?
  • The role of investment stewardship in managing risks arising from social factors.

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Meet the thought leaders you'll hear from.

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Caroline Barr
Sustainability Regulation Advisor
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Dr. Kieran Dobson
EMEA Head, ESG Client Engagement
S&P Global Sustainable1
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Warrick Fuchsloch
Senior Client Engagement Specialist
S&P Global Sustainable1
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Katie Frame
Social Engagement Lead
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