

Framing the Future for Nature

With S&P Global Sustainable1 & the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC).

On-Demand | 1 Hour

The speed and scale of biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation is the highest in history. With an estimated $44 trillion, or over half of the world’s GDP, moderately or highly dependent on nature corporates and financial institutions need a credible, quantitative approach to measure the biodiversity impact of their operations and portfolios, mitigate risks, and advance nature-positive outcomes to build resilience.

Join S&P Global for an educative webinar showcasing how interpreting geospatial biodiversity data sets curated by the UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) with S&P Global’s in-depth information about local business activities, provides important insight across assets, companies, supply chains, and investment portfolios.

Attendees will be invited to join a knowledge community consulting on the development of nature risk profiling data intelligence to provide feedback on the practical implementation of the TNFD framework, currently in beta version, and support global efforts to shift capital towards nature-positive outcomes.

Registration Form


Meet the thought leaders you'll hear from.

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Nathalie Borgeaud

Lead, Financial Markets Stakeholder Engagement


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Jonny Hughes

WCMC Chief Executive Officer

UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre

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Richard Mattison


S&P Global Sustainable1

Id Lacinia Elit Amet Fnibus Bibendum Risus

Phasellus viverra quam quis ullamcorper venenatis orci nulla gravida risus.

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Lauren Smart

Chief Commercial Officer

S&P Global Sustainable1

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Aenean facilisis lectus in magna lacinia, in tempus tortor tincidunt. Nulla ultrices ante in tincidunt sollicitudin. Nulla eget nulla sed nibh dapibus varius. Donec vel nisl ultricies, volutpat velit vel, feugiat eros. Aenean vehicula orci magna, sit amet congue lacus aliquet vel. Donec finibus dapibus volutpat. Cras dapibus enim at diam tempor, sit amet ultrices tellus ultrices.

Phasellus commodo malesuada turpis, non dapibus est interdum nec. Proin egestas dolor molestie scelerisque mattis. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla congue, lacus a elementum convallis, sapien libero tempor dui, eu placerat mi ligula et dolor. Maecenas id lacinia elit, sit amet finibus dui. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sollicitudin lorem vel magna tincidunt, ut vulputate magna viverra.

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