

Beyond ESG with Financial Impacts of Drought and Water Scarcity

On-Demand | 1 Hour

Climate change, population growth and economic development have led to growing competition for water resources. As a result, water is becoming increasingly scarce and costly. Water governance has rarely been prioritized, and corporate action is often disproportionate to the magnitude of the issue.This can present an unexpected source of financial risk for companies and investors, especially in developing markets and biodiverse regions.

Ahead of World Water Day, join S&P Global Sustainable1 for the next webinar in our Beyond ESG series to hear from market participants as they examine:

  • Global water risk and the state of global water supply and demand
  • Financial materiality of drought and water scarcity
  • Water-related risks in portfolios and the corporate response to this risk

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Tory Grieves

Director Strategic Initiatives

S&P Global Sustainable1


Meet the thought leaders you'll hear from.

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Chris Goolgasian

Director of Climate Research, Portfolio Manager

Wellington Management

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Xavier Leflaive

Environment Directorate, Administrator Principal


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Emilio Tenuta

Senior Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer


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Aenean facilisis lectus in magna lacinia, in tempus tortor tincidunt. Nulla ultrices ante in tincidunt sollicitudin. Nulla eget nulla sed nibh dapibus varius. Donec vel nisl ultricies, volutpat velit vel, feugiat eros. Aenean vehicula orci magna, sit amet congue lacus aliquet vel. Donec finibus dapibus volutpat. Cras dapibus enim at diam tempor, sit amet ultrices tellus ultrices.

Phasellus commodo malesuada turpis, non dapibus est interdum nec. Proin egestas dolor molestie scelerisque mattis. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla congue, lacus a elementum convallis, sapien libero tempor dui, eu placerat mi ligula et dolor. Maecenas id lacinia elit, sit amet finibus dui. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sollicitudin lorem vel magna tincidunt, ut vulputate magna viverra.

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