

Climate physical risk insights for the U.S. municipal bond market

On-Demand | 1 Hour

With extreme weather events on the rise, there is increasing concern how the $4T U.S. municipal bond market, particularly vulnerable to physical events given potential long maturities, will manage such challenges.

What climate hazards pose the greatest risk to U.S. state and local government issuers? How will climate change affect their economic and fiscal outcomes? What are governments doing to respond to these challenges?

Join S&P Global specialists for a discussion about the challenges localities face, and how Muni issuers and investors might respond to these challenges.

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Meet the thought leaders you'll hear from.

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Bob Macknight
VP/MD, Nature & Climate Risk Solutions
S&P Global Sustainable1
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Therese Feng
VP of Research
The Climate Service, an S&P Global Company
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Tim Hall
Senior Scientist
S&P Global Sustainable1
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Rohan Thakkar
Cross-divisional Emerging Risks Data and Product Synergies Lead
S&P Global Ratings
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