

Climate Science Through the Eye of Hurricane Helene

On-Demand | 1 Hour

As extreme weather events become increasingly frequent and severe, the need for effective disaster resilience strategies has never been more urgent. In this upcoming webcast, we’ll hear perspectives from weather, climate science, and disaster response experts who live and work in the areas hardest hit by Hurricane Helene.

Join us as we explore how to leverage climate data, improve modeling of compound and cascading events, and understand the short- and long-term impacts of climate change as we face back-to-back disasters around the globe.

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Meet the thought leaders you'll hear from.

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Tom Karl
Climate Scientist, Former Director of NOAA
S&P Global Climate Center of Excellence
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Dr. Dave Easterling
NOAA National Climate Assessment Technical Support Unit
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Ellen Gorham
Climate Crisis & Sustainability, American Red Cross
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Alyson Genovese
Vice President, Global Head of Corporate Responsibility
S&P Global
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