

Beyond ESG with Mid-Year Economic Outlooks

On-Demand | 1 Hour

As we look towards the second half of 2024, we invite you to join us on Wednesday, July 17 as we look back - and forward – at the key sustainability trends impacting mid-year economic outlooks.

In the next episode of our Beyond ESG webinar series, you’ll hear market specialists across the global value chain examine critical topics, including:

  • Required elements of a multi-dimensional, just energy transition
  • Impacts of regulation and policy on sustainability reporting and risk management
  • Expectations for Climate Week NYC, COP16, and COP29 - and what’s needed to drive measurable impact

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Meet the thought leaders you'll hear from.

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Marion Amiot
Head of Climate Economics
S&P Global Ratings
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Dr. Alex Lehmann
Senior Advisor
Independent Economics’ Sustainability Team
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Chris Williamson
Chief Business Economist
S&P Global Market Intelligence
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Markus Zimmer
Senior ESG Economist
Allianz Se
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Lindsey Hall
Global Head of ESG Thought Leadership
S&P Global Sustainable1
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